Product update

Updated climate data catalog with 4300+ cities

2 minutes read
Jan 01 2018
Updated climate data catalog with 4,300+ cities

Over 4300 cities worldwide (> 100,000 inhabitants) are now in our climate data catalog of high-resolution climate projections. We propose 5 climate variables: temperature, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation and solar radiation. In our next release, we'll provide climate indicators across these cities.

The global trend of urbanization has dramatically increased the number of people living in cities, particularly those with more than 100,000 inhabitants. As of the latest data, more than half of the world's population resides in urban areas, and this number is expected to rise, signaling a significant shift from rural to urban living.

Cities of over 100,000 inhabitants are often considered hubs of economic, cultural, and social development. They offer a variety of jobs, better healthcare, education, and a myriad of social amenities and entertainment options, drawing people from rural areas seeking better opportunities and lifestyles. This urban migration contributes to the growth of these cities, making them influential centers of human activity.

However, this rapid urbanization brings challenges, including overcrowding, housing shortages, increased pollution, and strain on infrastructure and resources. Cities are working to address these issues through sustainable urban planning, investment in public transport, green spaces, and affordable housing initiatives.

The shift to urban living is most pronounced in Asia and Africa, continents that are experiencing the fastest urban growth rates. Megacities, with populations exceeding 10 million, are emerging more frequently, particularly in these regions. Meanwhile, in more developed regions like Europe and North America, the urban population is growing at a more stable rate, with a significant proportion living in cities of 100,000 to 500,000 people.

The United Nations projects that by 2050, nearly 70% of the world's population will be urban, with a significant portion living in cities exceeding 100,000 inhabitants. This future urban landscape will require innovative solutions to sustainably accommodate the growing urban population, ensuring that cities remain centers of prosperity, culture, and livability.

In summary, the world's population is increasingly urban, with a significant and growing share living in cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants. This trend highlights the critical role of urban areas in shaping the future of society, economy, and the environment, posing both opportunities and challenges that need to be managed with sustainable, inclusive, and forward-thinking strategies.

