On March 25th-28th, we will attend the WCRP CMIP6 model analysis workshop in Barcelona (Spain). The event, hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, will bring together over 250 participants from 26 countries and is supported by the World Climate Research Program, the European Commission and other Horizon 2020 projects . It focuses on enhancing understanding and collaboration in climate modeling, featuring discussions on the Earth system's response to forcing, model biases, assessing future climate under various scenarios and understand climate change impacts.
This workshop will be the opportunity for us to show the scientific analysis of our current data, extend our knowledge on CMIP6 experiments to better support our clients and prepare the next version of our climate data offer: high-resolution CMIP6 climate projections downscaled using the ERA-5 reanalysis.
The workshop adopted a format of poster sessions and plenary talks, covering CMIP6 activities, high-resolution modeling, and emerging properties of the CMIP6 ensemble. Discussions revolved around model overviews, infrastructure, forcing and feedbacks, uncertainty and biases, high resolution, variability, extremes, future projections, and regional impacts. There will be a special emphasis on multi-model evaluations, new comparison methods, and connecting model developments to realistic Earth system models. The gathering aimes to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among early career scientists and seasoned experts, setting a stage for future advancements and planning for CMIP7.
Related products: Ready-to-use climate projections