Company news

Acknowledged by RealClimate

1 minute read
Sep 12 2018
Acknowledged by RealClimate as data provider

We are now acknowledged by RealClimate as a legitimate data source for downscaled climate projections data.  We are honored to be referenced in this source among world-renowned organizations like NOAA and Berkeley Earth. Our climate projections include essential surface weather variables, climate indicators and physical risk from climate hazards like wildfires and rainfall triggered landslides.

RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists and has been operating since Dec 2004. It aims to provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary on climate science. The discussion are mostly restricted to scientific topics though they maintain open threads for the political or economic implications of the science and for discussions of possible solutions. This iw why we are very pleased to be acknowledged by RealClimate.

